Thursday, May 15, 2014

Review of "The Refusal of Time"

"The refusal of time"  of William kentridge' s art work in Metropolitan Museum. 

The exhibition was in a small room surrounded with screens. The screens were full of the walls. In the center of the room, there was a machine. I don't really know the name of that machine, but it seems like a time machine. The structure of it is like the layers in piano. Go Up and down. There was a full size big screen in front of the viewers. And two big screens which combined with a few little screens on left and right side. The video started from the first screen from the right side, a man walkes through the screens till the last one. There were different scenes like family dinner time, signs, 3D mess drawing , map, clock and book with texts. Also black white shadow in people form reflected about history. 

I enjoyed the whole exhibition, when I was watching the show I was very into it. I guess that's because when people in the small room, the sound effect was great and strong and those screens were full of the walls, no matter where you were looking at , the exhibition was around you. It made me cannot district. The design is very smart. Of course, the show was very attractive. I think the best part of the exhibition is that each screen is unexpected, each of them were different but related. Although there were different scenes, seemed not in same topic, like the sketched people, the book map, the map symbol, the slaves. Somehow, after the whole show they seems related as a story. The connection of each of them may be the repeat scenes. Actually, it's hard to tell what story exactly the show wants to express, but the TIME concept of non-linear is very strong. 

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