Sunday, February 16, 2014

Long VS. Short

Long vs short

Long time: branches
Short time: fashion


For this art piece, I decided to use branches to create a fashion form dress. 

In abstract way. 

Because "branch" is really the symbol of long history, and it has been existing on earth for thousands years. "Dress" represents fashion, which last very short time. Fashion trend changes every season. 

I don't want to make an exactly shape of dress, what I really want to do is to built branches in very imaging-able  way, which people cannot really guess what it is at the first glance. Also, the unexpected result is very interesting for me. I like those ideas which take time for people to figure out.


After I made my piece, I asked few of my friends to guess what that was. All of them didn't know before i told them. Then they were like"of course, now I can see that" . I thought that result was what I wanted---abstract enough,but people will realize after i told them. 


However, after the class critique, I realize the "branches dress " I made was too abstract that my classmates took more than 1 minute to figure out. Next time, a project like this, I may try to make more literal. 

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